Pierre Henri Nortje seeks Balson's advice on the Griquatown tokens

From: Mariana Nortje
Date: 22/01/2008 2:16:05 AM
To: BHFT - Strachan and Co Tokens
Subject: Hi Scott : Griqua Half Penny

Hi Scott

Sorry to bother you again today, but maybe you can have a look at the following Griqua Half Penny of mine. It is rather battered and brused!

It is made of copper, 24 mm in diameter and weighs 6.2 grams. The thickness is between 1 and 2 millimeters.

I attach two scan pics and two digital pics. Maybe you can advize me on its value in this rather sorry state...

The 1 of the 1/2 is very clear but the 2 of the 1/2 only under magnification.

What is strange is that the reeding (or whatever the English word is) on the outside rim does not run straight from one side to the other (say from 12 o' clock to 6 o' clock) but say from 11 'o clock to 5 o' clock so the little reeds is leaning with their bottom to the right.

The reeds visible on the front and back run straight to the middle for about a millimeter

Whatever, I am sure you know what I mean. If you can still speak Afrikaans I can expain it better. I remember you telling me that you lost a bit of the Dutch!

Kind regards

Cape Town

From: BHFT - Strachan and Co
To: Mariana Nortje
Sent: Monday, January 21, 2008 11:38 AM
Subject: Re: Hi Scott : Griqua Half Penny

Hi Pierre

The coin is badly damaged so has little more than a small novelty value. Do you know its background?

Kind regards

Scott Balson

From: Mariana Nortje
Date: 22/01/2008 6:16:15 AM
To: BHFT - Strachan and Co
Subject: Re: Hi Scott : Griqua Half Penny

Hi Scott

Unfortunately not.

But thanks for your quick response!

Kind regards from a warm Cape Town.
